Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Scary Listening

If you enjoy creepy podcasts, check out Jim Harold's website. This guy is the bomb! Spooky tales from paranormal experts and personal tales from listeners can be heard from his site. He has also written a book with the material collected from his Campfire podcast. Oddly enough one of my own experiences is included in his book! I had no idea this was true when I started writing this post, believe it or not. I was just searching my email and I caught an email that had gone to spam, saying that a story that I had shared on his Campfire program two years ago, was included in the book! The email was sent back in September and Mr. Harold was offering a free copy of the book to everyone if they wrote back to him by the end of September, so I missed my free copy, but that's okay! I just think it's neat that he put my story in the book!

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